Tuesday, July 25, 2006

ho ritornato a pisciotta

I apologize for the lack of updates. In Venzia, I was only able to access the internet from a bar, and did not have time to update. Very beautiful, astonishing really; such an amazing city in the middle of a lagoon. Much more impressive then i realized (i had imagined something more akin to what Amsterdam was like.) I took the train to Napoli, and had a typically Italian experience in having my train delayed and can elled twice. Chaos and ineffieciency are parts of the Italian way of life, as much as the Brits love to queue. Anyway, I arrived in Pisciotta last friday, around 5pm. It took me a while to get up to the town, and i didnt meet up with the girls until 730. weve been hanging out, cathcing up with the locals, teachers, students, etc. It has been really great being back here, such a higher quality of life. I cannot update too long, as the computer here has a time limit, but perhaps from roma, and certianly from Siena or Paris. I may also stop in Milan, or Nice, and I will prolly take a day trip down to Calabria this week as well, since I no longer plan on going to Prague on this trip. Hope everyone is doing well. Email me! Ciao

ps my italian language skills are shitty, but I am beginning to remember some things, and thus feel slightly better, and frustrated at the same time.


Blogger tno said...

hey susan, u were right, Venezia is amazing. id like ot go back when there ar eless tourists. and a good map. im sorry to hear about devin, i hope whes doing well. whats ur address again? u can email it to me if u dont wanna post it. ok, ttys


6:50 AM  

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