Wednesday, June 27, 2007

we hate your hate

So, last night I took an overnight from Krakow to Prague (or Praha, as the locals call it.) It was a sleeper, and was pretty comfy. much better than the stupid old train I took from that backwater in Hungary... Well, Krakow turned out to be pretty interesting. I'm looking forward to Prague, but of course still can't wait to get to Italy. I'll be meeting up with Rachel and Jamie on Saturday. After 10 or so days in Pisciotta, I think I will head further south to Calabria and Sicilia, to see some relatives and the town where my Grandmother grew up. Not sure exactly what's on the agenda after that. Antonio, it turns out, will not be in Reggio, so I am going to see if Gianluca will come with me to Calabria to help translate.

I also think I hit that point last night where I became comfortable traveling alone again. I know I can make it how ever long I want now that I've gotten to that point. I do know, however, that I don't want to rush through anywhere.

I also realize that many things have gone wrong on this trip (delayed flights, screwed up money situations, missing the last bus to Krakow from AUschwitz, etc) and it's for basically two reasons; poor planning and I'm not in western Europe. Last year everythign went smoothly, and I had planned thoroughly. Also, the countries I visited last year have very well developed tourist infrastructures compared with the places I've been too so far, and that combination has left me a bit humbled. Which is good. I've been doing alot of writing, particularly in Poland.

One thing I realized; McDonald's in post-communists countries I've been to (China, Hungary, Poland, Czech) have helped me understand capitalism in a different way. These people all go to McDonalds liek its a big deal. For a long time these western chains and brands were not allowed, so it is seen as a sort of protest against the past, almost. Plus it costs alot, relative to local food, and isn't really as fast since the lines are so bloody long. I still think it's silly, but I see it is important that these people should have the choice to be self-destructive if they want. Is it the governments job to train people to make good decisions? I don't think it is, and it gives the elite something to look down on, so it all works out, doesn't it?

OK, I'm off to explore Praha now, since I cannot check into the hostel until 3pm. Until later...


Blogger TI said...

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9:22 PM  
Blogger TI said...

Hey Joe,
Your being in Prague has prompted me to pick up Rilke's "Two Stories of Prague".
Yes. I am over it.
Hope all is well.
Looking forward to your return home to hear about your travels.
(Btw, I didn't spell "Prague" correctly the first time around.)

9:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, glad to hear that you still plan to get to calabria... it would be so nice to hear first hand how your grandmother's place of origin is. remember you do have contacts. Nicolo is probably your best bet...since he hails from calabria and sicilia. Ciao Z

9:19 AM  

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